How to Enter Counter-Strike 2 Beta Limited Test: Game Modes, Maps & More

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) has enthralled esports enthusiasts for years, and now, the highly-anticipated sequel, Counter-Strike 2, is finally making its debut with a Beta Limited Test. Whether you’re a seasoned CS:GO veteran or a newcomer to the series, here’s everything you need to know about getting involved in the Counter-Strike 2 Beta Limited Test.

What is the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test?

The Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test, or beta test, is an exclusive sneak-peek into the gameplay mechanics, modes, maps, and more of the sequel to the globally popular FPS, CS:GO. This limited test phase allows players to experience the game before the official launch, providing invaluable feedback for developers to fine-tune the gaming experience.

In the Limited Test, players can expect to see a variety of new and improved game modes and maps. While retaining the core of CS:GO’s gameplay, Counter-Strike 2 offers fresh mechanics and improved visuals, promising an elevated gaming experience.

How do you gain access to the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test?

Gaining access to the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test requires a bit of luck and quick action. Interested players need to sign up for the Limited Test on the official Counter-Strike 2 website, where limited spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To sign up, you will need a valid Steam account. Make sure you’re following Counter-Strike 2’s official social media channels for the latest updates and registration announcements.

Is there a Counter-Strike 2 open beta?

Currently, there is no official announcement regarding an open beta for Counter-Strike 2. The Limited Test is the only available option to experience the game before its public release. However, developers often follow up limited tests with an open beta, so stay tuned for updates.


The Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test is a golden opportunity for CS:GO fans and newcomers alike to get an early taste of the game’s fresh gameplay dynamics, modes, and maps. Keep in mind that slots for the Limited Test fill up quickly, so stay alert for announcements to secure your spot. And remember, even if you miss out on the Limited Test, there may still be a chance to join in on the action with a possible open beta in the future. Be sure to follow official Counter-Strike 2 updates for the most accurate information.

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