Mastering Bunny Hopping in CS:GO: An Essential Guide

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One of the most thrilling aspects of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is its deep movement mechanics, and among these, bunny hopping, or “bhop,” holds a prominent position. This article will help you understand what bunny hopping is, how to master it, and where to practice to perfect this useful skill in CS:GO.

What is Bunny Hopping in CS:GO?

Bunny hopping in CS:GO, often referred to as “bhop,” is a method of movement where a player rapidly jumps in a zigzag or circular pattern, making them a harder target for enemies while navigating the map. Bhop is a technique that has been carried over from earlier versions of Counter-Strike and requires skill, timing, and practice to execute effectively.

How to Bunny Hop in CS:GO:

Bunny hopping is more about rhythm and timing than complex keystrokes. Here are the essential steps to perform a bhop:

Strafe Jump: Begin with a running start and jump. While in mid-air, press either ‘A’ (to go left) or ‘D’ (to go right) and move your mouse in the same direction.

Landing and Jumping: Just before landing, release the strafe key (‘A’ or ‘D’) and press ‘Spacebar’ at the moment of impact. The goal is to jump again immediately as you touch the ground without losing momentum.

Mid-air Strafe: While in mid-air from the second jump, press the opposite strafe key and move your mouse correspondingly to continue the pattern.

Repeat: Continue this pattern, switching strafe keys and mouse direction with each jump.

The key to successful bunny hopping lies in maintaining the rhythm of your jumps and aligning your strafes and mouse movement perfectly.

How to Practice Bhop in CS:GO:

Practicing bunny hopping is crucial to perform it consistently during intense matches. Here are some ways to hone your bhop skills:

Offline Practice: Use offline maps to practice bhop without the pressure of enemy fire. Enable the console in CS:GO settings, create a private server, and use commands like ‘sv_cheats 1’ and ‘sv_autobunnyhopping 1’ to facilitate easier practice.

Bhop Maps: Download community-created bhop maps from the Steam workshop. These maps are specifically designed to practice and perfect bunny hopping.

Bhop Servers: Join dedicated bhop servers where you can practice in a multiplayer environment with players who are also learning or have mastered bunny hopping.


Mastering bunny hopping in CS:GO can significantly enhance your mobility and unpredictability, making you a formidable adversary on any map. Remember, the key to successful bhop is consistency and rhythm. With regular practice on offline maps, bhop-specific maps, and servers, you’ll be hopping your way to victory in no time.

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